Sunday, January 30, 2011


One night with sweat on my brow
I dreamed of an ocean that barely held any water.
And I took a subconscious step into the knee deep sea,
wondering in vain in search of me.
For the pelagic depths were no longer there
and with each salty step I discovered more despair.
So I thought to myself, “Where had it gone?”
and pondered “if there was ever any ocean at all.”
For all these islands had sprung up in light of the subsidence,
and I waded to each, seeking answers in silence

I found the islands were sufficient for inhabitance,
and the beauty there was stunning beyond any comparison.
But I also noticed a resemblance in each tiny world
and if you took a step back you could see a continual void.
So I stumbled on through the watery scene
And walked for what seemed like months on top of weeks
My feet had grown ragged from the sharp edges of coral
But the salt water had fused the flesh back to each other
My throat had gone dry for there was no fresh water
And all of the islands had finally gone under
So I looked to the horizon for something new
But all that I saw was the blanket of blue
It seemed like it stretched for what I thought was forever
And I knew that I wouldn’t last in this sea of shallow

The sky suddenly darkened with large black clouds
The kind that usually pour water down 
And I knew instantly what it would mean,
The torrential downpour would surely flood past my knees
I found it odd that I was looking for water,
that it was all around me and becoming a bother
I didn’t even remember how I had gotten to this place
Or even why I thought it would have been remotely safe

So I stood in the ocean letting it flood
Allowing the water to creep further and further up
I stopped walking onward and stood fast in one place,
Until all that could be seen were my head and my face
When I opened my eyes I could see under water
And all that I feared had been scared away by the thunder
I started to move my legs just to see,
If I still had motion in my watery knees
I could move and run and walk and talk
And what I had sought was there sure enough
All that it took was the passing of time
And a little patience in the ocean of what wasn’t mine

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