Sunday, March 14, 2010

I must say that I probably owe you an apology
but those two words won't let loose from my lips.
Can you riddle me this, if I'm the one causing you
all these troubles, then why do you insist we be friends?

I can't help but be sad
cause every bridge I meet, flames up and burns completely.
I only had good intentions
but the match was lit before we even assembled

listen if you're going to slam the gavel then give me due process
cause I'll tell you that I pleed the fifth.
So shoval the dirt into the hole
close the casket and head for the door.
And if I had a dime for everytime my words were misunderstood,
then I'd have enough money to leave and forget who you were

and I can't help but be sad
cause every bridge I meet, flames up and burns completely.
I only had good intentions
but the match was lit before we even assembled

she's my black tie, my black attire
I can't do anything right by her.
but can you riddle me this, if I'm the one causing you
all these troubles, then why do you insist we be friends?


Anonymous said...

Not Sure? Less rhyme and more reason?

Bergquist said...

Pardon me?