Wednesday, November 21, 2007

don't cry, its only a blog


i'm 18 now. i can vote and thats about it.. stay at the mall later than most kids. who like the mall anyway? to many people.

i got a gloriously awesome 80 gig Zune for my birthday. its the sweetest thing since cotton candy. i guess i shouldn't use the literal use of the word "sweet" for my metaphor, but if anyone wants to complain about my slowly dieing use of allegories in this blog, please feel free too.

i always start out having something of personal significants to write, but by the time i have typed the introduction of this blog, i have forgotten what i had originally intended to write. it never fails.
i have come to the conclusion that the U.N. is stupid and a huge waist of time and money on every governments part. since 2004, different officials have been trying to get the U.N. to do something about the now apparent genocide in Darfur. Evidently, the no one wants to upset any other country by encroaching on their "sovereignty". so in turn, the U.N. make useless threats against the Sudan Government telling them to disband their "government fighters" who are the cause of the ravaged and raped people, and if they don't, so and so will happen. but nothing ever happens. they make useless threats that they don't ever carry out. plus the Chinese government gets most of their oil from Sudan and since they are getting their oil there, they have been a huge deterrent of the minuscule help that is finally, after like 3 years, getting there. plus.. they supply the weapons for the Janjaweed, aka: the "government soldiers". i'm pretty sure that isn't helping..
but anyways.. if the U.N. would actually like to help the world like its suppose to, they would display some courage when threating governments, and instead of always going in after there has been a conflict, they should try to do more to prevent these atrocities, before they happen..

just my two cents.

now some crazy Chinese kgb guy is going to come and kill me. so i suddenly become "missing", you know why.

i think i'm going to post a link for this blog on my facebook, so if anyone actually comes and reads these clippings of my mind, feel free to comment..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually liked the metaphor you used in that particular instance. I can agree with the fact that Zune(s) are sweet. I didn't know they made an 80 gig one.