Saturday, November 24, 2007

the week of leftovers

so Thanksgiving has passed, along with Black Friday.. everything was bought by 9:00 am friday..
Thanksgiving was rather boring this year, none of my family came except my Nana, who i wish to enslave so she can make her Coconut Cake for me every day all day.
The youth group went to the mall on Wednesday and participated in a scavenger hunt. it was pretty fun. Trey quit 5 minutes into the hunt because of "back problems." how much money do you want to bet he is going to play his hardest tomorrow during the turkey bowl..
my thoughts exactly..

its a work of progress, but i think its alright. i always have the hardest time putting things to music. i guess i'll have to try a little harder this time. i want to add another verse, but nothing more has come to me yet..

has anyone ever told you your eyes can light up the room
and even if its cloudy outside, your eyes can shine
like the moon

has anyone ever told you to stay
because your eyes
can light up their soul.
has anyone ever told you to that they would
give you
the world? the stars already inhabit your eyes.

i'm telling you now. if you haven't heard those
a thousands time, i'll tell you a thousand more.
i'm telling you
now, cause you might have been
broken before, but i will fix you now.

people search the stars for their answers,
but i just watch
your eyes. they sparkle and burn,
flow and they yearn
for a little something more.
and at the end of the day when the sky is dark and gray
and the stars have yet to shine. just turn your head
and smile my way and the stars will be in my arms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful lyrics.... I love the one about catching the stars in your arms. Keep writing.
BTW: I have a blog too but it is not my ramblings it is more of an update on Jenny's life....for distant friends and such... lol
