Sunday, November 18, 2007

whats up doc?

well i have decided to make myself a blog. so here it is..

i believe blogs are used for ramblings of different sorts, but since i am fresh out of ramblings, the general population will have to wait until i come up with something to type.

ok maybe I have something to say..

where to start..

I'm turning 18 tomorrow, and I still haven't figured out the significants of it. I guess it just means more responsibility I am going to have to eventually shoulder.

I have had this bit of song in and out of my head for the last week. its by relient k, and the song is called I Am Understood?
the piece that has been stuck in my head goes like this..

"You're the only one who understands completely. you're the only one who knows me yet still loves completely"

"And sometimes the place i'm at is at a loss for words
If i think of something worthy, i know that it's already yours and through the times i've faded and you've outlined me again you've just patiently waited, to bring me back and then"

i fail so many times as a person and the line that goes "you're the only who know me yet still loves completely" just shatters me, and brings me to a place where i actually am "at a loss for words". it so true that so many times i fade in and out of my Christian walk, but every single time God is there waiting ever so "patiently to bring me back"
its a truly great song with an awesome message. listen to it if you ever get the chance.

i think i am going to try to write music again. i always start writing, but it never goes in the direction i want too.

i don't think i am going to post any kind of link to this blog until at least one of my friends actually finds it.

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