Sunday, November 15, 2009


These two are totally separate pieces of my work.

Structured integrity never took hold
you opened the door but wouldn't let me in.
I was the gentlemen that never got far
but close enough to make an assessment of
that I can't be any more scared than you are.

I never asked for much, or rather anything at all
like a bird in a trap I was snared, clipped, then let go.
Well I took a dive unable to save a fall, and you
were okay as long as gravity didn't pull you along.

I promise that I'm not angry or even upset
I just have a hard time making some sense.
Of everything that you once said,
now negates the feelings you currently
place in my head.

It's sad to think how far this went.
Degenerate means we fallen farther
than intentions initially started and led.
I promise to make sure you make
me unsure of why we're so unsure.
You just do what you've been doing
open up then shut the door.

I promise that I'm not angry or even upset
I just have a hard time making some sense.
I promise I'm not bitter or resentful in fact
God allows me to be better than that.
Well we'll take the leap and plunge headfirst
it'll still just be me and an unsuccessful launch.

Along which lines do we really walk day by day?
Do we say what we mean and mean what we say?
Caught up in a battle of broken fellowship, has our
love become a war of attrition?

Battlefields strewn with the dead, casualties of our
own selfish ends. Infatuations of the lost and lonely
searching for the holy in the land of milk and honey.
We place our hands of the monetary, click our heels
and hope for something less dreary. Well we'll be all
alone in the darkened world, seal of death delivered
by what we hold to closely.

Walk through the flame with our heads held high,
aloft by the game that we continue to die by.
But we're not alone even if we think we are, infatuated
by what standards everyone else lives by.

I'll tell you the truth, I want you to know, you're
beautiful but you're nothing but an excuse to feel good.
And that's the problem with love today, we never say
what we mean and mean what we say...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well, i see that you your writing shows that you excel from Desi's House of Pain '08. I am very proud of your blog and your thoughts...