Friday, March 6, 2009

hmm.. Yellow bird?

So I am pretty lethargic about now. Who needs sleep anyways? and that was rhetorical..

I hate having a thousand words in my heart, but not be able to let a single one loose. I think it could quite possibly be the worst feeling. Hakuna Matata?

Elevate has been especially amazing the last few weeks. We have been talking about prayer and how it should be. Or rather how we should pray.. Last night's message was awesome in the fact that it was a kick in my face, and I really really really needed to hear it. There were several key verses spoken on, but the three that stuck out to me were Matthew 7:7/8, Luke 22:42, and Romans 12:12.

Matthew 7:7/8 - "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened".

Luke 22:42 - "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done".

Romans 12:12 - "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer".

I overthink and worry about the outcome of events in my life that "I" want to see happen. God just really convicted me with those three verses telling me that I should ask and it will be given to me, but I should seek him. Also that I should always trust that His will be done, and even if what "I" want doesn't happen, be patient in the affliction because He will provide what I need. I get so tired of things not going the way I want them to go, but I need to keep the mindset that it's the way God has it, so it's fine.

I pray that God will open doors when I seek Him first, because I don't know if I would understand if they didn't open. But that is for another time..

I also was convicted that I need to spend more time in prayer, praying for people.. Lets not be selfish

Work in progress.. I wrote in a few minutes..I kinda like it

You don't have to shed a tear
but if your well overflows I
will be right here. If you need
a shoulder to give it all up on
I will be right here

You don't have to shed a tear
but now the river is flooded
I will try to make it all better
where is that smile that lightens
up the room? I will bring it out
with a laugh or two.

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