Saturday, April 4, 2009

fear and faith

I have been thinking about fear lately. You see fear is a funny thing. It can be a crippler, or a motivator. Fear can cause us to run and hide, can bind our tongues, can get our knees knocking..

I do not like to take risks. When I do take risks, they are calculated risks. Even then I would rather not risk anything.

What is there to be afraid of though? You see I think we fall into the trap where we get comfortable in our fear. It is safer to hide amongst the fear than to step out of the shadows and embrace the unknown. I'm not going to lie, I like to feel safe. I need my safety net, and I can easily convince myself that it is justifiable to let the fear of whatever guide me to a safer environment.


When you get to a place where you let absolutely nothing in, or words go unsaid; you need to question where you are at.

I have come to the conclusion that fear is the lack of faith. When we simply just believe that God has us no matter what, we can step out of the proverbial shadows of fear and a new light can shine. It is easier said than done, just believing is hard sometimes. It takes prayer, and I pray that I can step over the confines of fear.

So the moral of this lesson is to not let ourselves get too comfortable in our fear. It can ruin us. It can ruin lots of things..
Don't worry about others.. God's got you and that is all that matters. Everything else is simply trivial..

I want to start skating again..

Amazing Because It Is - The Almost

"I was so scared of everything you put in front of me
I've been marching to every part of me
Just to see
Why you need me to be
The boy you need me to be

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saves a wretch like me
I once was lost
And now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

I just wanna see

I'm the type of person who lets fear drive
I'm the type of guy that lets it drive
Cause I'm addicted, I'm needy
I'm lost without you
I need you
I need you

Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saves a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

Amazing grace (amazing grace)
How sweet the sound (how sweet)
That saves a wretch like me (that saved a wretch like me)
I once was lost
But now I'm found (you know I'm found)
Was blind but now I see

Amazing grace (you're amazing)
How sweet the sound (you're amazing)
That saves a wretch like me
I once was lost (it feels so bad when you're lost and alone)
But now I'm found
Was blind but now I see"

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