Sunday, April 12, 2009

good to go

I have had the urge to get a tattoo really badly. I want to get some kind of heart on my right arm. It would represent me wearing my heart on my sleeve. I thought it would be cool. But it probably won't happen..

So the other day at the Bcm some of the seniors were giving us a rundown of their walk through college. One of them talked about how God will take things away sometimes, and it can really just break you, and you really just have to look for the beauty in the brokenness. It got me thinking, so I wrote this. I'll probably tinker with it some more. Feedback would be appreciated..

There's an unbelievable chaos dancing in your mind
Your heart is torn to pieces, you question where and why
No matter where you're going, it's always raining inside
Is the brokenness a distraction that barely keeps you alive?

There is beauty in the brokenness, where there is
pain in the doubt. Sometimes being on the ground
is the only way to pick yourself up. The only other
place you can ever look is up. The fallen can become
the risen if you choose to let it go.

There is a hand reaching down from the clouded sky
above. Offering freedom from the world of broken
beating hearts. Grab the hand and He will pull you up.
He makes beauty from the brokenness and erases pain
and doubt. Then the love you seek will find you out.

The patches are growing thin over your hardened heart.
The older you get, the easier it is to forget where you should be.
You curse your luck in futility but luck is not what its
been about. You burn your own bridges and you hate
yourself for that. All the bitter songs can't fix it, they
add layers to the doubt.

Your mind games comprise the skepticism in your heart.
Every time you close your eyes the flash of pain paralyzes
your life. The point reached sometimes adds too much.
You can't hold on forever, just let it go.

1 comment:

Lorrin said...

Hey. I like this and it's how I am feeling right now.